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Writer's pictureBilquis Ali

Work Harder on Yourself Than You Do on the Job

As a leader, it’s easy to think that putting in long hours, handling crises, and checking off tasks is a sign of improvement.

But the truth is, we often lose focus on the most important asset we have: ourselves.

You. You are your most important asset.

The sooner you embrace that, the better.

Those are the words of the late Jim Rohn, a pioneer in personal development, and they couldn’t be more accurate.

When we work harder on developing ourselves as leaders outside of our jobs, it dramatically shows up in how we perform at work.

The Power of Personal Growth

Improving yourself isn’t just about becoming better at your current tasks.

It's about learning new skills, deepening your self-awareness, and building the resilience needed to thrive in both your professional and personal life.

It’s impossible to improve without intentionally developing the skills that are critical for your success.

So, how do you get there? Investing in yourself through seminars, workshops, courses, books, and tools will set you apart as a leader.

As John Maxwell, one of the foremost leadership experts, often says, "Leaders are learners."

To become valuable to your organization, and to society as a whole, you must constantly invest in your growth.

Why It Matters: Value Creation

Your salary, your success, and your opportunities depend on the value you bring to your organization.

When you add value to yourself, you increase your ability to add value to your workplace.

It’s a simple equation: the more valuable you are, the more indispensable you become.

Your paycheck is a reflection of the value you bring—so if you want more, you have to become more.

But how do you create value? Here are some ways to start:

  • Take Ownership of Your Growth: Read books that challenge your thinking. Attend leadership seminars that push you beyond your comfort zone.

  • Learn New Skills: Whether it's learning how to lead more effectively, managing stress, or improving time management, skills outside your job are often the ones that elevate your performance at work.

  • Stay Curious: Don't settle for what you know today. Constantly ask questions, seek mentorship, and look for opportunities to learn something new.

Are You Just Putting Out Fires?

We’ve all been there—working long hours, feeling drained, and yet, when we look back, we wonder where all the time went.

Busy doesn’t always mean productive.

If you find yourself constantly putting out fires with no visible growth or progress, it’s time to reflect: are you working harder on yourself, or just harder on your job?

When you’re caught up in the grind without investing in yourself, you're stuck in a loop of working in your role, but not on yourself as a leader.

This is a dangerous place for any leader to be because it stifles growth and leads to burnout.

Shift Your Focus: Work On You

Start shifting that focus today.

If you invest 30 minutes a day in personal growth, whether it’s reading a leadership book or listening to a motivational podcast, you will be surprised by the results.

Those small, daily deposits into your self-improvement bank will lead to exponential growth over time.

You may not control everything that happens in your job, but you do control how much you grow.

And that’s the key: growth as a leader will always be reflected in your work performance.

So, the next time you find yourself working long hours but feeling stuck, ask yourself: am I working harder on myself than I am on my job? 

Understanding the difference will transform your leadership and your life.

Final Thoughts

Your growth as a leader isn’t just something that happens on the job—it happens in the quiet moments, the learning moments, when you’re investing in yourself outside of work.

You are your most important asset.

The sooner you realize that and take action, the more your career, your team, and your life will flourish.

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Truer words have never been spoken! As a DON I would pour countless hours into being “available” to my staff! And seriously it worked out because it afforded me the opportunity in getting to know and build relationships with them. With this being said there was never a stop button. No time to let go and work on the things I needed to remain strong. So going forward. I’m going to build up my team but not loose sight on of me.

Sep 25
Replying to

Thank you so sharing Latanya. You are the most important person! Once we give our body their rights, then we can give to others. 😋

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