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Writer's pictureBilquis Ali

On My Hour and Ten Minute Ride to Work: The Day I Became Your Painkiller

So, picture this: it’s early morning, I’m cruising (well, more like crawling) through traffic on my hour and ten-minute ride to work.

This isn’t just any ride, though—oh no. This is when I attend my very prestigious YouTube University.

Why let the time go to waste, right?

I’m all about using every second to learn something new. And today, my professor was none other than Codie Sanchez.

Now, if you don’t know Codie, let me introduce you.

She’s basically the queen of getting to the bag.

When Codie speaks, you listen, and today she was dropping knowledge bombs on the Think Media Podcast.

Normally, she’s all about flipping businesses and making money moves, but today she said something that made me stop mid-sip of my coffee: Painkillers.

I’m like, “Excuse me, Codie, did you just shift from dollars to ibuprofen?”

Turns out, not quite. She was talking about businesses being the painkillers for their customers.

In other words, what pain points are you treating for your clients?

And as I sat there in traffic, that really hit me.

I’m a Painkiller? Wait, Yes, I Am!

As I kept driving (and trust me, with this commute, there’s plenty of time to think),

I realized just how much of a painkiller I am for my clients.

I started to break it down and categorize my “patients.”

And listen, I’m not just your Tylenol—I’m serving up pain relief at every level, from mild headaches to full-on emergencies.

Mild Pain: The 4 and 5 Star DONs

These are my seasoned pros, the directors of nursing who are already killing it at 4 and 5-star facilities.

These folks know their stuff, but even the best need a little aspirin sometimes, right?

They might be running smoothly, but I help them think outside the box—give them that extra spark.

You know, like adding a little hot sauce to an already great dish.

They don’t need a full overhaul, just a nudge to get even more creative, to make sure their team is really firing on all cylinders.

Moderate Pain: The 2 and 3 Star DONs

Ah, the 2 and 3-star facilities. These DONs are the real hustlers.

They’re busting their butts day in and day out, pushing paperwork, solving problems, and doing the absolute most with the least.

They use every tool, every call, and every bit of advice I throw their way.

We’re not just talking once-a-month check-ins; we’re in the trenches together.

These are the ones who might need a little more than Tylenol—think ibuprofen levels.

But guess what?

Together, we get those stars up. We grind, we hustle, we win.

Severe Pain: The 1 Star and Special Focus DONs

Now, let me take you to my real emergency room.

These are my 1-star and special focus facilities.

Baby, baby, these DONs are out here trying to survive.

These are the folks where we’re not just managing pain; we’re doing full-blown triage.

They’re facing staffing issues, surveyors breathing down their necks, and facilities where every day is a fight just to stay open.

But you know what?

We work hard.

It might take a while to get from 1 star to 2 stars (and sometimes that progress feels like a marathon on sand), but let me tell you something—these DONs?

They are warriors, and I’m their painkiller through the whole battle.

Pain Relief in Action

So, what did Codie’s talk about painkillers make me realize?

I don’t just teach directors of nursing.

I don’t just coach.

I’m out here managing pain on multiple levels.

Some days I’m the ibuprofen, some days I’m the morphine.

But no matter what, if you’re a DON in pain—whether it’s a mild headache from the stress of keeping a 5-star facility perfect or the full-blown agony of fighting your way through a 1-star mess—guess what?

I’m your painkiller.

So, if you’re a DON and you’re feeling the pain, don’t worry—I’ve got the right prescription for you.

Let’s work together to ease that burden, and maybe, just maybe, we’ll get you from 1 star to 5.

After all, what’s a little pain when you’ve got someone like me managing it for you?

Conclusion: Call Me Your Personal Painkiller

Remember, pain is temporary—but the relief I provide?

That’s long-lasting.

Whether you need just a little spark to get you thinking differently or a full-on intervention to save your facility from imploding, I’m here for you.

So, next time you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure, don’t stress—just call your painkiller (aka, me)!

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